Well as with all good MOOSVIES …………….. oopppsss, dodgy spelling, I mean of course to say MOVIES! ……………….. Well as with all good movies is the original received critical acclaim then they come out with the sequel …………… The same goes for moosvies also ………….
REPO-MAN 2 – The Hyundai Hitcher
The Brit was quietly sitting in his sanctuary part of the Moose Barn, well maybe not exactly quietly ………… he was racing on NASCAR Sim Racing at Texas Motor Speedway under the guise of Tony Naples Jr. in the #69 Chevy Monte Carlo (hhhmmm what other number would you expect from the scourge of the Soccer Mom’s) ……… the Brit when all said and done is Soccer Mom Central anyhow I digress. The Brit was leading at Texas with 15 to go when some bloody backmarker lost it in front of him and he got taken out! WANKER! Hmmm and the cursing measured 99,000 on the Richter Scale!
Well …………. just after that incident and I had duct taped the now thrown to the wall PC back together I heard a familiar sound?
Is it a Concert Pianist playing Bach with a small marsupial up his jacksee? Shouts me!

Note: This is NOT the concert painist for those who thought that it was.
NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOO yells the crowd!
Is it a Howdy Doody impersonator juggling 16 small frog like creatures?
Howdy Doody (not that I know who the bloody hell he is, but I've heard of him, well sort of!
NNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO yells the crowd more fervently!

The Brit …………….. now obviously being a hardened veteran of this type of activity quickly donned his disguise of (and don’t try this at home kiddlies) ……. :
a) – One well worn, stained (usually with gear oil and grease and scruffy “wife Beater” vest …………..
b) – Really dodgy denim shorts with hole and or patch appropriately in the bum area …….
c) – Bad open toes (none Jesus-like) sandels
d) - the obligatory cold beer (Old Milwaukie is best, but any brand will do)
e) and finally …………. sit on porch and say “git r dun” at least three times!
This time they were taking the Moose In Law’s really bad Hyundai that still had the paper temporary tag taped to the inside of the rear windscreen!
Unfortunately this particular repossession was nowhere near as entertaining as the first Moosvie because the Moose and the Moose Herder were both in their room asleep (yeah ……. always in the afternoon) the Moose Calf’s were out somewhere with some dodgy relative and the Moose In Law was in her stall ……………… so the Brit just took his vantage point, even though he got some looks from the Repo-Man when the Brit exited the Moose Barn …………and the Brit just took his vantage point on the veranda muttering something like “it’s not mine mate …….. have at it spud” …….. and sipped quietly on his Coors Light ……….. aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh tasty J
Closed captioning for “And I thought that lightening didn’t strike twice! –“ is brought to you by:


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